Motorola Mh230 Manual

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  2. Motorola Mh230r Manual
  3. Motorola Mh230r Specs
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Motorola Mh230r Manual Download

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The contacts are dirty most likely. Unplug the charger, get a small piece of fine or extra fine sandpaper and lightly sand the metal wires you see. They will bend, that is normal. So, slow and careful. Still not working? (also common). The charger base or the charger AC adapter may be bad.

If you have another charger, switch the wall adapters. If the base if base, you could try to take it apart and re soldier it yourself, but if it got wet, the game is over. Go to a used donation place, such as the Goodwill to get replacements. They are not sold new without a radio. Also, try another radio in the 'bad' charger, it could be the contacts on the back of the radio need cleaning. Answered on Feb 17, 2016.

Motorola Mh230r Manual

The radio is not turning off completely. It is possibly a bad on/off, or it could be another button is slightly stuck and when turning the unit off it is trying to do another of the multi-button pressed functions. The on/off/volume potentiometer is a common failure item on most 2-way radios. Repeated use or dirt/dust/debris can cause it to fail. Do not use any solvents or cleaners. The best method of cleaning would be canned air. If you cannot find the way to clear the issue, your best option is to remove the batteries when not in use.

Motorola Mh230r Specs

Best regards. Answered on Sep 07, 2013. You could have a programming error, or a low/defective battery. Check your battery first. Trade batteries with a known good unit and see if the problem continues. If you still have the problem, it is a radio problem. Next try setting the radio back to a basic operation by turning off any special features such as Qt filter and Call Tones.

These two items when not used properly, or mix-n-matched between radios can cause issues similar to what you are experiencing. Here is a link to the user guide: Best regards. Answered on Aug 23, 2012.

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