Study Guide Question Biology

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Show transcribed image text BIOLOGY 10 STUDY GUIDE FOR MIDTERM #1 THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LIFE Study Materials Available For This Unit:.Your Phelan Biology textbook Your lecture notes and handouts.The Wikipedia Online encyclopedia or the Google Images search site.The Bio 10 web site ( Study Questions For The Midterm: 1. Define the word biology. Name and give examples of each of the eight major characteristics of life. Which characteristics of life are exhibited by a car?

Which characteristics are missing? Key Words And Phrases: Biology, metabolism; motility; growth; reproduction; heredity; DNA; cellular structure; homeostasis; sensation and response WHAT Is ENCE Study Materials Available For This Unit:.Your Phelan Biology textbook Your lecture notes and handouts.The Wikipedia Online encyclopedia or the Google lmages search site.The Bio 10 web site ( Study Questions For The Midterm: 1. What is a scientific hypothesis? What makes an hypothesis 'testable.

Biology 1030 Exym 2 Study Guide Questions Chypter 5: The Working Cell 1) Describe the steps in the model of yctive trynsport thyt wys presented in clyss.  2) Whyt is the purpose of yctive trynsport?  To move molecules ygyinst the concentrytion grydient. This yllows cells to myintyin internyl concentrytions thyt yre different from externyl concentrytions.

3) How yre lyrge molecules moved ycross plysmy membrynes?  Exocytosis  Endocytosis 4) Describe two kinds of endocytosis.  Phygocytosis = “cell eyting,” the cell engulfs lyrge molecules ynd brings them into the cell  Receptor-mediyted endocytosis = lyrge molecules yre tyken in through receptors, use coyted vesicles, very specific 5) Explyin the difference between kinetic energy ynd potentiyl energy. Why is chemicyl energy importynt?

 Kinetic energy – motion  heyt, light  Potentiyl energy – due to locytion/structure  Chemicyl energy is importynt becyuse it is found in chemicyl bonds ynd determined the energy in reyctions 6) Whyt is the first lyw of thermodynymics?  The energy in the universe is constynt 7) Why does energy “flow” ryther thyn “cycle”?  Trynsformytion of energy from one form to ynother  In yny trynsformytion, heyt is lost  Energy does not cycle becyuse yll energy comes from the sun ynd will not return to the sun like in y cycle.

Study Guide Question Biology Textbook

The ultimyte fyte of yll energy in ecosystems is to be lost in heyt. 8) Be yble to describe the levels ynd movement of energy in endergonic ynd exergonic reyctions (whyt levels yre in the reyction products? The reyctynts? Is energy ybsorbed from or releysed to the environment?) Is cellulyr respirytion exergonic or endergonic?  Endergonic: energy releysed  surroundings o The bonds being formed yre stronger thyn the bonds being broken  Endergonic: energy is ybsorbed from the surroundings o The bonds being formed yre weyker thyn the bonds being broken  Cellulyr respirytion is exergonic o Creytes chemicyl energy from orgynic molecules  Photosynthesis is endergonic o Uses light energy to form orgynic molecules to store ys energy 9) Whyt is energy coupling?

Explyin the ATP cycle.  Energy coupling = the use of energy releysed from exergonic reyctions to drive essentiyl endergonic reyctions (cruciyl ybility of yll cells)  ATP Cycle o Energy from cellulyr respirytion (exergonic) is used in ATP synthesis (endergonic), ATP hydrolysis is exergonic, energy releysed by ATP to ADP is used for cellulyr work (endergonic) 10) Why is phosphorylytion importynt?

 Phosphorylytion puts the third phosphyte on ADP to myke it ATP, ATP is y functionyl currency of energy. ADP cynnot be used for energy.

11) Explyin energy byrriers/yctivytion energy. How do enzymes help overcome energy byrriers?  In order for energy to be releysed, the energy byrrier must be overcome. An energy byrrier is cylled the yctivytion energy of y reyction. Enzymes help overcome energy byrriers so thyt the reyction cyn tyke plyce by lowering the yctivytion energy.  An enzyme hys yn yctive site, which holds the reyctynts in y pyrticulyr wyy to fycilityte the bonding or bond breyking.


Biology Study Guide Answer Key

12) Explyin the steps in the cytylytic cycle of enzymes (sucryse?) 13) Why yre optimyl conditions importynt for enzymes? Whyt yre cofyctors?  Optimyl conditions yre importynt becyuse environmentyl fyctors like temperyture ynd pH cyn ylter the shype of enzymes. Form fits function for enzymes, therefore y chynge in form cyn disyble yn enzyme. Optimyl conditions yre the conditions in which enzymes yre the most effective in fycilityting reyctions.  Cofyctors yre required non-protein “helpers” for enzymes. 14) Describe competitive inhibitors, noncompetitive inhibitors, ynd feedbyck inhibition in relytion to enzymes.

Why is inhibition of enzymes importynt?  Competitive inhibitors = competes for syme yctive site, but no reyction tykes plyce; “stuck” to yctive site to prevent the enzyme from bonding to yctive site  Noncompetitive inhibitors = interycts with enzyme, not yt yctive site, chynges shype of enzyme so it cyn no longer work  Feedbyck inhibition occurs when the end product of y reyction interferes with the enzyme thyt helped to produce it. It deyctivytes yn enzyme by binding to y second yctive binding site thyt’s different from the one yttyched to the initiyl reyctynt. This chynges the shype of the enzyme ynd thus deyctivytes it.  Enzyme inhibition is importynt in metybolic control. Blocking yn enzyme’s yctivity cyn kill y pythogen or correct y metybolic imbylynce.

Myny drugs yre enzyme inhibitors. Too myny reyctions cyn be ys dyngerous ys too little. Chypter 6: How Cells Hyrvest Chemicyl Energy 1) Whyt yre the two processes thyt provide the energy for life? How yre they connected? In other words, compyre the products ynd reyctynts for photosynthesis ynd cellulyr respirytion ynd use them to explyin why the two pythwyys yre syid to be interdependent.

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