Holt Constitution Study Guide

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Holt constitution study guide answers

Create your own flash cards!. Cards Term What is a constitution? Definition the framework/guidelines for a government to be run by Term How many branches are there in the U.S. Definition 3 branches Term What is the preamble? (definition only) Definition the first paragraph of the Constitution Term What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution called? Definition the Bill of Rights Term What is the Legislative Branch's main POWER? Definition to make laws Term Which group/individuals are in the Legislative Branch?

Definition CONGRESS (the Senate, House of Representatives, Senate Committees, and House Committees) Term What are three of the Legislative Branch's JOBS? (not checks & balances) Definition 1) declare war 2) regulate interstate and foreign commerce 3) lay & collect taxes; pay the debts; provide for the common defense & general welfare Term Which Article in the Constitution discusses the powers of the Legislative Branch?

Definition Article l Term What is the Executive Branch's main POWER? Definition to execute laws Term Which groups/individuals are in the Executive Branch?

Definition the President and the Cabinet Term What are 4 of the Executive Branch's JOBS? (not checks & balances) Definition 1) carries out the laws 2) serves as Commander in Chief of the armed services 3) makes treaties 4) appoints judges, ambassadors, and other officials Term Which Article in the Constitution discusses the powers of the Executive Branch? Definition Article 11 Term What is the main POWER of the Judicial Branch? Definition to interpret laws Term Which groups/individuals are in the Judicial Branch? Definition 1) Supreme Court 2) lower federal court Term What are the Judicial Branch's 2 main JOBS? (not checks & balances) Definition 1) interpret laws 2) interpret treaties Term Which Article in the Constitution discusses the powers of the Judicial Branch? Definition Article 111 Term What other courts are included in the Judicial Branch besides the Supreme Court?

Definition lower federal courts Term How old do you have to be to be a member of the House of Representatives? Definition 25 years old Term How long is the term for a Representative? Definition 2 years Term How old do you have to be to be a Senator?

Definition 30 years old Term How long is the term for a Senator? Definition 6 years Term How many people are in the Senate? Definition 100 Senators Term How many Justices are there on the Supreme Court? Definition 9 Justices Term How long is a Supreme Court Justice appointed for? Definition life Term How old do you have to be to be the President? Definition 35 years old Term How long is the term for the President?

Definition 4 years Term How long does a person have to live in the United States in order to become the President? Definition 14 years Term What is the name given to the group of people in the Executive Branch that help the President make decisions about things like: the environment, war, and transportation? Definition the Cabinet Term List one way that the Executive Branch 'checks over' the Judicial Branch. Definition President appoints Supreme Court Judges Term List one way that the Judicial Branch 'checks over' the Executive Branch. Definition Supreme Court can rule presidential actions unconstitutional Term List one way that the Judicial Branch 'checks over' the Legislative Branch? Definition Supreme Court can rule laws passed by Congress unconstitutional Term List one way that the Legislative Branch 'checks over' the Judicial Branch.

Definition Congress determines number of judges in the Supreme Court Term List one way that the Legislative Branch checks over the Executive Branch. Definition can overried veto with 2/3 vote of both houses Term List one way that the Executive Branch 'checks over' the Legislative Branch. Definition can veto a bill proposed by Congress Term What was the Articles of Confederation? Definition a document that outlined the form of government of the new United States Term How many branches did the Articles of Confederation have?

Definition one-the Legislative branch Term What is one power that the Articles of Confederation did NOT have? Definition the power to regulate trade Term How did Shay's rebellion make the US realize that they needed a new government? Definition made the nation fear there would be more mob violence if they did not develop a strong central government Term What month, day, and year did the Constitutional Convention begin? Definition May 15, 1787 Term In which city and state was the Constitutional Convention held? Definition Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Term Which states were represented at the Constitutional Convention? Definition all except for Rhode Island (New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia) Term What was the name of the compromise at the convention which stated that representation to Congress should be based upon a state's population?

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Us Constitution Study Guide Printable

Definition The Great Compromise Term What did the Great Compromise state? Definition - Two house legislative - Equal representation in the upper house (Senate) - Representation based upon population of state in lower house (House of Representatives) Term What was the name of the compromise at the Constitutional Convention that was used to decide how slaves should be counted for representation in Congress and taxation to the federal government? Definition The 3/5ths Compromise Term What did the 3/5ths Compromise state? Definition - 3/5 of slaves would be counted as population when determining BOTH representatives in House of Reps. AND taxation Term What are the Bill of Rights? Definition first ten amendments of the Constitution Term Why was the Bill of Rights put in the Constitution?

Definition to give people rights to protect themselves Term What rights are included in the 1st amendment? Definition - practice religion - speak freely - assemble - address the gov't - press Term What is the key descriptive phrase for the 1st amendment? Definition 'Religious and Political Freedom' Term What right is included in the 2nd amendment? Definition right to own guns Term What is the key descriptive phrase for the 2nd amendment?

Definition 'Right to Bear Arms' Term What right is included in the 3rd amendment? Definition army can't force home-owners to provide living space for them Term What is the key descriptive phrase for the 3rd amendment? Definition 'Quartering Troops' Term What is the key descriptive phrase for the 4th amendment? Definition 'Search & Seizure' Term What rights are included in the 5th amendment? Definition - can't be tried twice for the same crime - can't be forced to testify against yourself - can't be held for committing a crime unless properly indicted Term What is the key descriptive phrase for the 5th amendment? Definition 'Rights of Accused Persons' Term What rights are included in the 6th amendment?

Definition - speedy trial - impartial jury - must be provided with a lawyer Term What is the key descriptive phrase for the 6th amendment? Definition 'Right to a Speedy, Public Trial' Term What rights are included in the 8th amendment? Definition - fair punishment - extraordinarily large fines will not be set - no cruel punishment Term What is the key descriptive phrase for the 8th amendment? Definition 'Limits of Fines & Punishments' Term What is the definiton of 'ratify'? Definition to approve Term What is the definiton of 'amend'?

Definition to make different; amendment is a change to the Constitution Term What is the definiton of 'federalism'? Definition shared power between National gov't and State gov'ts Term What is the definiton of 'republic'? Definition gov't in which people vote for representatives who make decisions/laws Term What is the definiton of 'constitution'? Definition framework/guidelines for a gov't to be run by Term How many people are in the House of Representatives? Definition 435 Reps.

Term What years were the Articles of Confederation in effect? Definition 1777-1789 Term What was the name of the plan made at the convention which stated that each state should have equal representation in Congress? Definition New Jersey Plan Term What was the name of the plan made at the convention which stated that representation to Congress should be based upon a state's population? Definition Virginia Plan.

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